My Latest Video!
My Youtube vs My Blog
If I already have a blog, why am I also making videos on top of it? Is the content repeated? Is one better than the other?
All fair questions my friends!
The reason I wanted to also create videos is that I found certain topics were much too lengthy to write about (unless y’all want a novel?), and thus it’d be easier to actually just talk about them.
There were also many ideas I had that I thought would portray themselves better through something visually stimulating like a video versus written content.
So no, no content is repeated and one is not better than the other (I hope). Whether I make a blog post or a video just depends on the topic itself.
Also, videos are extra fun because you get to meet my adorable and incredibly destructive dogs.

The little one is named Cookie, and she’s a 17 year old rescue from Japan. She’s been my therapy dog since I adopted her when she was 8, and has been my best friend ever since. You’ll also see her more often than our big boy Mali because he’s too big and clumsy and I don’t trust him near a camera!
That big boy there is Mali. He’s a rescue from Bulgaria, and he’s around 3 years old (we don’t actually know since he’s a stray). He enjoys destroying everything is site with his giant booty and tail, as well as long belly rubs.
So there’s your little bonus! Meeting my doggos. I hope watching my videos helps you learn, laugh, feel supported, and get inspired to grow.
All my love,